teleme7ry Disable telemetry in Windows 7
Teleme7ry has reached End of Life on April 26th, 2024. It no longer receives new features, updates, or fixes. However, it is still available for download.
I strongly recommend to upgrade to a supported Windows version
and use alternative scripts, or switch to a Linux distribution.
This batch script will remove telemetry and nagware-related Tasks, Services and Updates.
It will also block telemetry domains and IPs.
For more details refer to the Wiki.
Getting Started
Before you proceed, please make sure that:
- Windows Update DOES NOT install updates automatically.
- hosts file is not write protected. Some antivirus products make it read-only.
- You have read this page.
- Download the latest version of Teleme7ry
- Run teleme7ry.bat with elevated privileges
- Teleme7ry will run some checks and if they are successful you will be presented with this display:
- 1. Create a restore point
- A system restore point with the name "Teleme7ry vX.Y" will be created
- Make sure that System Restore is enabled otherwise the task will fail
- 2. Stop and delete telemetry services
- Telemetry services will be stopped and deleted
You can see the full list here
- 3. Delete telemetry and nagware tasks
- Telemetry and nagware tasks will be deleted
You can see the full list here
- 4. Block telemetry domains and IPs
- Teleme7ry rules will be merged with the hosts file
You can see all the rules here
- Duplicate lines inside the hosts file, if any, will be removed
(due to limitations, this includes hosts entries that have nothing to do with telemetry)
- 5. Uninstall telemetry and nagware updates
- Telemetry and Nagware updates will be uninstalled
You can see the full list here
- Your computer will be restarted aftwerwards
- A (case insensitive) Automatic mode: Perform all of the above tasks
- The script will go through every task above, in order
- Q (case insensitive) Quit
- The script will quit without making any change to the system
Remember to hide the updates uninstalled by Teleme7ry.
Open the Control Panel and navigate to System and Security > Windows Update > Check for Updates and hide all the
updates listed here, both under Important and Optional.
Source Code
The complete Teleme7ry source code is available on GitHub.